Tuesday, 5 December 2023

UK Government Recognises Need for Self Reliance

 Greetings Noggers.

The UK Government have finally recognised the importance of having plans in place for the event of power cuts; exactly the kind of advice that we at Nearly Off Grid have been giving since we started.

Deputy Prime Minister Oliver Dowden has been widely reported today to have made the statement whilst visiting DSTL* at Porton Down, in Wiltshire. (*Defence Science and Technology Laboratories).

Speaking during the visit, he said it was the Government’s duty to review individuals’ resilience in the event of a disaster that could knock out our communications and other systems.

Mr Dowden suggested that households should keep a battery powered radio, a torch and candles to hand in the event of a cyber attack, or any other incident which could causedisruption to the National Grid.

He has further announced that the Government would launch a ‘resilience website’ next year that will explain to the UK’s 28 million households what they might need to do to cope with a catastrophe, and what they could do to help others who may be more vulnerable.

Hopefully, all parties in the House of Commons will fully support this idea, so that the public can access useful and practical advice, no matter which party is in Government when the project goes live.

This development is obviously to be welcomed, as such preparedness to cope will not only benefit individual households, but the nation as a whole. A populace that is able to keep calm and carry on, will be better able to keep the country working.

Here at Nearly Off Grid, we would heartily recommend keeping eyes and ears open for the new website and any further developments. In the meantime, of course, you can always find simple and practical advice on surviving disruption to the grid on this website, along with those listed on our USEFUL LINKS page.

You can also check out our article on simple ways to cope with power outages HERE

In the often dangerous and unstable world we find ourselves, there is no doubt that we will be stronger and better able to survive and thrive as a nation of NOGGERS.